We have an issue with the Sitecron module. We updated it from 3.2.0 to 3.4.0 and since, jobs are not firing in the Azure Web Apps. The tasks are running fine locally, though. In the sitecronSitecore logs, there are no errors. We see the list of jobs loaded, as expected:
14588 15:25:13 INFO Initialize SiteCron:
14588 15:25:14 INFO Loading SiteCron Jobs
14588 15:25:14 INFO SiteCron - Job Not Loaded - Job Disabled: Job Source: DATABASE - Import Ocean Insight Data Type: xxxx.Feature.InfoHub.Services.OceanInsightsOrderImportJob, xxxx.Feature.InfoHub Cron Expression: 0 0 11-15 ? * * * - Job ItemId:{26D67966-B9BF-445D-9D8D-C0F6BA777042}
14588 15:25:14 INFO SiteCron - Job Loaded - Job Source: DATABASE - Import Contracts From Azure - Type: xxxx.Feature.InfoHub.Services.ImportContractJob, xxxx.Feature.InfoHub USING Cron Expression: 0 30 10 1/1 * ? * Parameters: - Job ItemId:{47BE2C1F-9C84-41A5-8C62-735109C14D70}
14588 15:25:14 INFO SiteCron - Job Loaded - Job Source: DATABASE - Import Orders From Azure - Type: xxxx.Feature.InfoHub.Services.ImportOrderJob, xxxx.Feature.InfoHub USING Cron Expression: 0 30 10 1/1 * ? * Parameters: - Job ItemId:{B5B41CB4-4AB1-472A-B23A-7CF6BEA7CEB2}
But that's all, we don't get the additional lines when a task is executed, as we did before with 3.2.0 or in local with the current version:
DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1 13:00:00 INFO SiteCron - Job 1f20ac14-f531-45a7-bcb6-04cd24905158 in group DEFAULT is about to be executed
DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1 13:08:01 INFO SiteCron - Job 1f20ac14-f531-45a7-bcb6-04cd24905158 in group DEFAULT was executed in 481.8663805. (ItemID: {26D67966-B9BF-445D-9D8D-C0F6BA777042} Archive:False)
DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1 13:08:02 INFO SiteCron - Ignoring Saved Handler due to stats update.
No difference in triggering the jobs manually: the temp item is created, but never run, and stays in the content tree until it's cleaned up on the next initialization:
With no luck, I tried to copy all the DLLs and config files straight from the package to the azure web app, with no luck. Also, reinstalling the package makes no difference.
These tasks are critical for the client, and we are currently blocked. Any help will be much appreciated.
PS: Sitecore 10.0.0, on Azure PaaS