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In SXASXA when you create a partial design for the footer, header, or any, it will not give you a rendering layout file, where you can update the HTML. It's an OOTB feature.

You can create a partial design by going into your SXA site -> Presentation -> Partial DesignSXA site -> Presentation -> Partial Design. And using the insert option, you will be able to create a new one.

After creating the partial design, you can add renderings to this by using Experience EditorExperience Editor or going into the item presentation detailspresentation details.

In SXA when you create a partial design for the footer, header, or any, it will not give you a rendering layout file, where you can update the HTML. It's an OOTB feature.

You can create a partial design by going into your SXA site -> Presentation -> Partial Design. And using the insert option, you will be able to create a new one.

After creating the partial design, you can add renderings to this by using Experience Editor or going into the item presentation details.

In SXA when you create a partial design for the footer, header, or any, it will not give you a rendering layout file, where you can update the HTML. It's an OOTB feature.

You can create a partial design by going into your SXA site -> Presentation -> Partial Design. And using the insert option, you will be able to create a new one.

After creating the partial design, you can add renderings to this by using Experience Editor or going into the item presentation details.

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Sumit Bhatia
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In SXA when you create a partial design for the footer, header, or any, it will not give you a rendering layout file, where you can update the HTML. It's an OOTB feature.

You can create a partial design by going into your SXA site -> Presentation -> Partial Design. And using the insert option, you will be able to create a new one.

After creating the partial design, you can add renderings to this by using Experience Editor or going into the item presentation details.