For the Rich Text Editor
field, you can use this PowerShell script and get all the links.
# Get your item here by providing ID
$rootItem = Get-Item -Path "master:" -ID "{56305117-8C9C-4C08-96D5-BB97A8E27419}"
# Regex pattern to check if the value contains any anchor
$anchorTagPattern = '(?is)<a[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>';
# Get your RTE Field
$richTextContent = $rootItem.Fields["DB"].Value;
# Match parttern with your RTE field value
$anchorTagPatternMatches = [regex]::Matches($richTextContent, $anchorTagPattern);
# If Pattern matches
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($anchorTagPatternMatches)) {
# Create a loop and it will give you all the anchors in your RTE
ForEach ($patterns in $anchorTagPatternMatches) {
# You will get the values of anchors using this.
Write-Host $patterns
The output you will get is this.
<a href="">newLink</a>
<a href="">newLink</a>
<a href="">Google</a>
And you can get other values as well.
For any other field, you can pass your field name like below and get the details of the links.
$richTextContent = $rootItem.Fields["your field"].Value;
For more details refer to this link.
How to update the anchor link text in rich text field using Sitecore Powershell?