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Sumit Bhatia
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We had the exact same issue explained by you for Sitecore 10.2 onpremon-prem. For us upgrading System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dllSystem.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll from version 4.700.19.46124version 4.700.19.46124 to version 4.700.20.21406version 4.700.20.21406 fixed the issue. All Sitecron jobs are now running fine. Using Sitecron version

Using Sitecron version and Quartz version version from the package. Thanks to my teammates Jothi and Parvathi for figuring this out.

We had the exact same issue explained by you for Sitecore 10.2 onprem. For us upgrading System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll from version 4.700.19.46124 to version 4.700.20.21406 fixed the issue. All Sitecron jobs are now running fine. Using Sitecron version and Quartz version from the package. Thanks to my teammates Jothi and Parvathi for figuring this out.

We had the exact same issue explained by you for Sitecore 10.2 on-prem. For us upgrading System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll from version 4.700.19.46124 to version 4.700.20.21406 fixed the issue. All Sitecron jobs are now running fine.

Using Sitecron version and Quartz version from the package. Thanks to my teammates Jothi and Parvathi for figuring this out.

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We had the exact same issue explained by you for Sitecore 10.2 onprem. For us upgrading System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll from version 4.700.19.46124 to version 4.700.20.21406 fixed the issue. All Sitecron jobs are now running fine. Using Sitecron version and Quartz version from the package. Thanks to my teammates Jothi and Parvathi for figuring this out.