I have using buckets to store items, we facing a wired issue that when any item created by 12 AM to 4 AM all the items are created on the previous day folder, but it supposed to be created in the current date. We have hosted the site in Azure VM in UAE, i have tried to update the setting
<setting name="ServerTimeZone" value="" >
to point to
Arabian Standard Time
(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat
as per this document https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/embedded/gg154758(v=winembedded.80)?redirectedfrom=MSDN but no luck, the standardvalues for createdate is showing of yesterday date in raw values, I have tried with value to GST timezone but still no luck.
Please let me know is there any way to achieve this apart from customization of the bucket folder structure in c# code or by rules.