I've written a script to generate a report that allows downloading a list of pages and relevant tags applied to them (within a section). In that script, I wrote the below code to download the output. For some reason, any export buttons, that Show-ListView displays, do nothing. files can't be downloaded. What is the reason for not given to download the results from Show-ListView?

    $options = @{
    "News" = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/News"
    "Assets" = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Assets"
    "Industries" = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Industries"
    "Solutions" = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Solutions"
    "Succes" = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Customer Success"
    "Partners" = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Partners"

$props = @{
    Parameters = @(
        @{Name="selectedOption"; Title="Choose an option"; Options=$options; Tooltip="Choose one."}
    Title = "Option selector"
    Description = "Choose the right option."
    Width = 300
    Height = 300
    ShowHints = $true

$result = Read-Variable @props
if($result -ne "ok") {

$table = New-Object System.Data.Datatable;

$path1 = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/News"
$path2 = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Assets"
$path3 = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Industries"
$path4 = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Solutions"
$path5 = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Customer Success"
$path6 = "/sitecore/content/IFS/IFS/Home/Partners"
if($selectedOption -eq $path1){
    $allitems = Get-Item -Path master:// -Query "$path//*[@@TemplateName = 'Article']"  
}elseif($selectedOption -eq $path2 ){
    $allitems = Get-Item -Path master:// -Query "$path//*[@@TemplateName = 'Asset']"
}elseif($selectedOption -eq $path3){
    $allitems = Get-Item -Path master:// -Query "$path//*[@@TemplateName = 'Content Page']"
}elseif($selectedOption -eq $path4){
    $allitems = Get-Item -Path master:// -Query "$path//*[@@TemplateName = 'Content Page']"
}elseif($selectedOption -eq $path5){
    $allitems = Get-Item -Path master:// -Query "$path//*[@@TemplateName = 'Customer Story']"
}elseif($selectedOption -eq $path6){
    $allitems = Get-Item -Path master:// -Query "$path//*[@@TemplateName = 'Partner Profile']"

ForEach ($item in $allItems) {
    $name = $item.DisplayName
    $rawIds = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField]$item.Fields["CardCategory"]
    $selectedItems = $rawIds.GetItems()
    foreach($selectedItem in $selectedItems){
        $tag = $selectedItem.DisplayName

    $rawIds = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField]$item.Fields["ContentType"]
    $selectedItems = $rawIds.GetItems()
    foreach($selectedItem in $selectedItems){
        $tag = $selectedItem.DisplayName
    $rawIds = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField]$item.Fields["Industry"]
    $selectedItems = $rawIds.GetItems()
    foreach($selectedItem in $selectedItems){
        $tag = $selectedItem.DisplayName
    $rawIds = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField]$item.Fields["Language"]
    $selectedItems = $rawIds.GetItems()
    foreach($selectedItem in $selectedItems){
        $tag = $selectedItem.DisplayName
    $rawIds = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField]$item.Fields["ProductCategory"]
    $selectedItems = $rawIds.GetItems()
    foreach($selectedItem in $selectedItems){
        $tag = $selectedItem.DisplayName
    $rawIds = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField]$item.Fields["Region"]
    $selectedItems = $rawIds.GetItems()
    foreach($selectedItem in $selectedItems){
        $tag = $selectedItem.DisplayName
    $rawIds = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.MultilistField]$item.Fields["Topic"]
    $selectedItems = $rawIds.GetItems()
    foreach($selectedItem in $selectedItems){
        $tag = $selectedItem.DisplayName

$table | Show-ListView -Property Name, Tag_category, Tags

enter image description here

Please help me. Thank you

  • Are you getting any errors in logs when you click to download? Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 11:04
  • No, I don't get any errors. But the export buttons are not working. Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 11:25
  • It's commonly a configuration problem. The docs outline which services need to be enabled for downloading to work. Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 11:34
  • I believe it's the Handle Download service. doc.sitecorepowershell.com/security#service-descriptions Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 14:17

1 Answer 1


See this conversation here on github as @WulfgarDK is saying above - https://github.com/SitecorePowerShell/Console/issues/912

But this was not the reason in our case.

We had the same issue and solution was to enable Spe.IdentityServer.config at \inetpub\wwwroot\website\App_Config\Include\Spe.

OOTB this file comes with Sitecore Powershell module as disabled. Just need to remove .disabled from the config name.

enter image description here

  • 1
    Thank you so much. This works for me Commented Sep 22, 2022 at 4:42

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