I have looked through the documentation and tutorials on the Glass Mapper site, but I can't find a list of the different attributes that are available and what they do.

1 Answer 1

  • SitecoreChildrenAttribute - Maps children of the current item. Expects an IEnumerable<T>
  • SitecoreFieldAttribute - Maps from a field on the current item
  • SitecoreFieldFieldValueAttribute - Used to populate default values of a field's field
  • SitecoreIdAttribute - Maps the Sitecore item ID. Expects the property to be a Sitecore.Data.ID or Guid
  • SitecoreIgnoreAttribute - Ignores the property and doesn't map anything.
  • SitecoreInfoAttribute - Maps from various item properies according to the provided SitecoreInfoType parameter which can have the following values:
    • ContentPath - The item's content path. The property type must be System.String
    • DisplayName - The item's display name. The property type must be System.String
    • FullPath - The item's full path. The property type must be System.String
    • Key - The item's key. The property type must be System.String
    • ItemUri - The item's ItemUri . The property type must be Sitecore.Data.ItemUri
    • MediaUrl - The item's media URL. The property type must be System.String
    • Path - The item's path. The property type must be System.String
    • TemplateId - The item's template Id. The property type must be System.Guid
    • TemplateName - The item's template name. The property type must be System.String
    • Url - The item's URL. The property type must be System.String
    • Version - The item's version. The property type must be System.Int32
    • Name - The item's Name. The property type must be System.String
    • Language - The items language. The property type must be Sitecore.Globalization.Language
    • BaseTemplateIds - Gets the Base Template IDs - does not return the template is. The property type must be IEnumerable<Guid>
  • SitecoreItemAttribute - Maps the context item
  • SitecoreLinkedAttribute - Maps references using the LinkDatabase. Expects an IEnumerable<T>
  • SitecoreNodeAttribute - Maps the item specified by the provided Id or Path parameter
  • SitecoreParentAttribute - Maps the parent of the current item
  • SitecoreQueryAttribute - Maps the results of a Sitecore Query. Expects an IEnumerable<T>. See the official tutorial for details.
  • SitecoreSelfAttribute - Maps the current model item. Typically used to map a template section to a different model for easier reuse.

Most of this info was found by reading the source code and comments on Github

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