There is no OOTB API for your requirements.
You would need to build it from scratch. One solution would be to use PublishQueue
table from master
This table is used to store all item changes. Information from this table is used during incremental publishing.
You can have this kind of SQL script in your stored procedure (quickly made by me as a starting point for you) which will be used by your API to retrieve data:
WITH ItemsTable (ItemPath, ID, Name, TemplateID, MasterID, ParentID, Created, Updated)
SELECT CAST('/' + base.Name AS nvarchar(MAX)) as ItemPath,
base.ID, base.Name, base.TemplateID, base.MasterID, base.ParentID, base.Created, base.Updated
FROM Items as base
WHERE base.ID = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
SELECT CAST(ItemPath + '/' + child.Name AS nvarchar(MAX)),
child.ID, child.Name, child.TemplateID, child.MasterID, child.ParentID, child.Created, child.Updated
FROM ItemsTable as parent
INNER JOIN Items as child
ON child.ParentID = parent.ID
SELECT CAST(ItemPath + '/' + archived.Name AS nvarchar(MAX)),
archived.ItemId, archived.Name, archived.TemplateID, archived.MasterID, archived.ParentID, archived.Created, archived.Updated
FROM ItemsTable as parent
INNER JOIN ArchivedItems as archived
ON archived.ParentID = parent.ID
SELECT ItemPath, ItemsTable.ID, Name, PublishQueue.Action, PublishQueue.Date
FROM [sc9u2_Master].[dbo].[PublishQueue] PublishQueue
INNER JOIN ItemsTable ON PublishQueue.ItemID = ItemsTable.ID
WHERE ItemPath LIKE '/sitecore/content/Habitat Sites/Habitat Home/home%'
ORDER BY ItemPath DESC, Date
Your WHERE clause would be obviously something like this as you want to have changes from media library:
WHERE ItemPath LIKE '/sitecore/media library%'
Result is something like this:
In highlighted section you see that you have three particularly interesting actions for your case Created, VersionAdded and Deleted. These three actions are your changes that you would like to track:
action = New file
action = Update file
action = Delete file
So you can also adjust SQL script to get only these actions:
AND [Action] IN ('Created', 'VersionAdded', 'Deleted')
To fulfill also your Timestamp requirement you can introduce another statement to WHERE clause:
AND Date > '2018-09-05'
Full SQL script that you can use is below (not production ready, you need to tweak it and tune up):
WITH ItemsTable (ItemPath, ID, Name, TemplateID, MasterID, ParentID, Created, Updated)
SELECT CAST('/' + base.Name AS nvarchar(MAX)) as ItemPath,
base.ID, base.Name, base.TemplateID, base.MasterID, base.ParentID, base.Created, base.Updated
FROM Items as base
WHERE base.ID = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
SELECT CAST(ItemPath + '/' + child.Name AS nvarchar(MAX)),
child.ID, child.Name, child.TemplateID, child.MasterID, child.ParentID, child.Created, child.Updated
FROM ItemsTable as parent
INNER JOIN Items as child
ON child.ParentID = parent.ID
SELECT CAST(ItemPath + '/' + archived.Name AS nvarchar(MAX)),
archived.ItemId, archived.Name, archived.TemplateID, archived.MasterID, archived.ParentID, archived.Created, archived.Updated
FROM ItemsTable as parent
INNER JOIN ArchivedItems as archived
ON archived.ParentID = parent.ID
SELECT ItemPath, ItemsTable.ID, Name, PublishQueue.Action, PublishQueue.Date
FROM [sc9u2_Master].[dbo].[PublishQueue] PublishQueue
INNER JOIN ItemsTable ON PublishQueue.ItemID = ItemsTable.ID
WHERE ItemPath LIKE '/sitecore/media library%' AND [Action] IN ('Created', 'VersionAdded', 'Deleted')
AND Date > '2018-09-05'
ORDER BY ItemPath DESC, Date
And result: