There is an item with two language versions - English & Thai. This item is already published to web.
There is a difference in the published stats when manual & programmatically published. I'm using smart publish, not publishing subitems & related items.
Manual publish:
Published only for English:
Items created:0
Items updated:0
Items skipped:2
Published only for Thai:
Items created:0
Items updated:0
Items skipped:2
Published English & Thai at the same time:
Items created:0
Items updated:0
Items skipped:6 //should this not be 4?
Publish through code:
Published only for English:
Items created:0
Items updated:0
Items skipped:1
Published only for Thai:
Items created:0
Items updated:0
Items skipped:2
PublishOptions publishOptions = new PublishOptions(masterDb, targetDatabase,
PublishMode.SingleItem, sourceItem.Language, System.DateTime.Now);
Publisher publisher = new Publisher(publishOptions);
using (new SecurityDisabler())
using (new EventDisabler())
PublishResult publishResult = publisher.PublishWithResult();
I'm guessing, it may be because I'm using PulishMode.SingleItem.
When I check the publishinglog after manual publish, it says PublishMode is SingleItem.
1. Why is the difference in the stats.
2. When publishing via code as a smart publish, which mode should be used.