I have a component with a jss-form
placeholder inside it. I added two renderings with different placeholder signatures to make it into a Dynamic Placeholder. These are as follows:
- FormA:
- FormB:
I have set two placeholder settings on my main component's presentation details
However, the Layout Service only returns FormA under jss-form
Therefore this:
<Placeholder name="jss-form" rendering={rendering} />
<Placeholder name="jss-form" rendering={rendering} />
<FormA />
<FormA />
But if I change the signature of FormB to that of FormA, I get both of them twice!
<FormA />
<FormB />
<FormA />
<FormB />
I'm using Sitecore 9.3 and I'm doing a Sitecore-first approach with the Embedded JSS application, so I manually create my placeholders and renderings and stuff. Can anyone point out where I did wrong here?