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Richard Seal
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Sitecore Powershell script to add items in array

I am a Sitecore PowerShell newbie.

I have to write a Sitecore PowerShell script to ignore certain items from consideration based on their template types.

For this we can add these items to an array and use -notin for comparison.

Below is a code sample:

#ignored items list start
$nodeFolderTemplate = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/System/Node" 
$layoutFolderTemplate = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/System/Layout/Layout Folder" 
$rederingFolderTemplate = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/System/Layout/Renderings/Rendering Folder"
$commonFolderTemplate = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/Common/Folder"
$placeHolderSettingsFolder = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/System/Layout/Placeholder Settings Folder"
$branchFolderTemplate = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/System/Branches/Branch Folder"
$template = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/System/Templates/Template"
$dictionaryDomain = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/System/Dictionary/Dictionary Domain"
$dictionaryEntry = Get-Item -Path "/sitecore/templates/System/Dictionary/Dictionary entry"
$ignoredFolders = @( $nodeFolderTemplate.ID, $layoutFolderTemplate.ID, $rederingFolderTemplate.ID, $commonFolderTemplate.ID, $placeHolderSettingsFolder.ID, $branchFolderTemplate.ID )
$ignoredItems = @( $dictionaryDomain.ID, $ignoredFolders.ID, $commonFolderTemplate.ID)
#ignored items list end 

 $items = Get-ChildItem $selectedValues.SelectedFolderPath -Recurse | 
              Where-Object { $_.TemplateID -notin $ignoredFolders }

Can anybody please suggest a better way to do it?

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