I've configured 2 instances of Sitecore to use Azure ADAzure AD
following this tutorial.
How to integrate Azure AD with Sitecore Content Management in 10 easy steps._
The two instances are:
- Staging: XM single CM&CDCM & CD combined configuration.
- Production: XM single CM instance with multiple CD instances.
I first configured the staging environment, and everything worked as expected. However, in the production environment, clicking the "Azure AD"Azure AD
button on the login screen navigates to a 404 page404 page.
Upon comparing the domains after clicking the Azure AD button, I noticed the following differences:
https://login.microsoftonline.com/[tenantID]/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[ClientId]&redirect_uri=[encoded return URL]
But the production one will navigate to itself:
https://[SI doamin]/[tenantID]/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[ClientId]&redirect_uri=[encoded return URL]
It's confusing because I used the same configuration in both environments.
Should this URL be configured using the well-known(or similar) page generated by the authority?
Has anyone else encountered this problem?