I noticed that the payment type (e.g. used in http://{{ServiceHost}}/{{ShopsApi}}/GetCartPaymentMethods(cartId='Cart01', paymentType='Creditcard')) is no where configured in Sitecore. It turns out that it's hard-coded in the BaseTranslateItemsToPaymentBlock:

protected virtual string GetPaymentTemplateName(string paymentOptionType)
return paymentOptionType == "1" ? "CreditCard" : (paymentOptionType == "2" ? "LoyaltyCard" : (paymentOptionType == "3" ? "GiftCard" : (paymentOptionType == "4" ? "Federated" : string.Empty)));

I would expect a Sitecore configuration setting. This is difficult to use at the XC9 API, and Commerce Connect doesn't work well with it. At the moment I cannot retrieve all payment options and next retrieve the payment methods using the PaymentOptionType because that expects (at XC9 side) the above mentioned hard-coded values.

How to solve this?

1 Answer 1


Solved it by overriding the base method;

public class TranslateItemsToPaymentMethodsBlock : Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Management.TranslateItemsToPaymentMethodsBlock
    public TranslateItemsToPaymentMethodsBlock(CommerceCommander commander) : base(commander)

    protected override string GetPaymentTemplateName(string paymentOptionType)
          return paymentOptionType == "5" ? "MyCustomOptionType" : base.GetPaymentTemplateName(paymentOptionType);

and configuring XC9 to use the new class:

.ConfigurePipeline<IGetPaymentOptionsPipeline>(d =>
   d.Replace<Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Management.TranslateItemsToPaymentOptionsBlock, TranslateItemsToPaymentOptionsBlock>();

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