Dan, a very good question. Bringing back error messages through the SPE Remoting is quite tricky because of the way PowerShell handles streams of data. Script output is handled one way, and errors (or informational messages) are handled in a different way.
Here are some possible ways for you to troubleshoot.
Example: Run script without the use of asynchronous jobs. If the script turns fairly quickly then it won't be an issue in your testing. Running as a scheduled task, however, may be more suitable for async jobs. The ErrorRecord object is returned in the output.
Import-Module -Name SPE
$session = New-ScriptSession -Username michael -Password b -ConnectionUri http://spe
Invoke-RemoteScript -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
$templatesPath = "master:/sitecore/content/pathdoesnotactuallyexist"
Remove-Item "$($templatesPath)"-Force -ParameterDoesNotActuallyExist
Stop-ScriptSession -Session $session
Using the above example you will see this in the Windows PowerShell ISE (remotely).
Now you may be thinking, "Well what if the job does take a while to run?"
Example: Run script asynchronously. A string version of the error is returned.
Import-Module -Name SPE
$session = New-ScriptSession -Username michael -Password b -ConnectionUri http://spe
$jobId = Invoke-RemoteScript -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
try {
$templatesPath = "master:/sitecore/content/pathdoesnotactuallyexist"
Remove-Item "$($templatesPath)"-Force -ParameterDoesNotActuallyExist
} catch {
} -AsJob
Wait-RemoteScriptSession -Session $session -Id $jobId -Delay 1
Stop-ScriptSession -Session $session
Using the above example you will see this int he Windows PowerShell ISE (remotely).
This currently looks a little less polished but still gets the job done.
If you desire for your script to return an error message for commands that normally continue, add $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
in your ScriptBlock
Example: Run script asynchronously and stop on any error.
Import-Module -Name SPE
$session = New-ScriptSession -Username michael -Password b -ConnectionUri http://spe
$jobId = Invoke-RemoteScript -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
try {
$templatesPath = "master:/sitecore/content/pathdoesnotactuallyexist"
Get-Item "$($templatesPath)"-Force
} catch {
} -AsJob
Wait-RemoteScriptSession -Session $session -Id $jobId -Delay 1
Stop-ScriptSession -Session $session
Update 2
Version 4.4.1+ should include support for Write-Verbose and other Write-
You can read more about it here.