I'm trying to serialize a parent folder as CreateAndUpdate but the descendants as CreateOnly.
I found a similar question (Sitecore Content Serialization to include parent item as create only) but the question and answer both split the includes into separate objects in the JSON file... I'd like to avoid this if possible as I don't want to screw up the existing file structure...
I've set my include/rules as follows:
"name": "dictonary",
"path": "/sitecore/content/Dictionary",
"scope": "ItemAndDescendants",
"allowedPushOperations": "CreateAndUpdate",
"rules": [
"path": "*",
"scope": "DescendantsOnly",
"allowedPushOperations": "CreateOnly"
Will the DescendantsOnly rule override the CreateAndUpdate allowedPushOperation from it's parent?
If not, is there a way to achieve this without splitting the include up in to separate items?