I am trying to use stored Sitecore search using an API call from console application, but it is throwing 400 error. I have followed the sitecore documentation


under the last section "Run a stored Sitecore search" section with the URL format provided. The URL which I provided is the following -


It seems the URL structure formed is not correct and I am not sure as I followed the example in the documentation. Kindly help me with the same.

  • Which Sitecore version you are using? Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 14:43

1 Answer 1


I have tried running this query via Postman and the syntax seems fine to me. Just follow the below steps to make this work.

  • First of all, You will need to use this method to authenticate users. It sets the authentication cookie.
    https://<your server>/sitecore/api/ssc/auth/login

enter image description here

Make sure you are passing, Content-Type:application/json in the headers.

  • Now, Use the below query to run a Sitecore search that is stored in a search definition item. This means you will need to first create a Search definition item in the Sitecore content tree based on the template /sitecore/templates/System/Services/Item Service/Search/Search Definition. You can provide details for this item like database, field name etc.

enter image description here

Now, run the query on this item,

<your server>/sitecore/api/ssc/item/FDFFA0FA-40D4-47F6-87CD-7BC3B1EA6EC2/search?term=Home&database=master

enter image description here

In the result, you would see all the items having search terms in the defined fields

  • Hi, Thanks for the help. It worked like magic. I am able to check the same in postman. But I have one doubt. So this stored search query is to search items only inside any field. For ex, the content inside a rich text editor/single line text or will it retrieve even content items also? Because if it fetches the content items there is another search type called "Run a Sitecore search" which retrieves content items based on search term. so just wanted to understand in which case scenario both needs to be differentiated? Commented Oct 10, 2022 at 13:48

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