Our website (Sitecore 10.1.3
) is hosted on Sitecore managed cloud. We observed that there are many Failure Requests
in Azure App Insights (AAI) and the majority of them are 404 errors.
I have implemented logging to log the "Requested URL" on the incoming request.
Based on the appended query string parameters, I have assumed the original requested page.
The following are the URLs of the 404 page, from AAI and the metric is operation_name = GET /404
Some of the URLs captured in logging have the Azure App Service URL and some have the website domain.
All those URLs are valid and will load the respective page when browsed and will not redirect to the 404 page.
Could you please help me understand, what could be the reasons that valid pages are being redirected to 404 page or captured as 404 errors in AAI.
Were they really redirected or there is any other reason for this capturing.
How can I troubleshoot?
Thank you