I am trying to create a custom WFFM SaveAction that sends an email, and I would like to still use the Email Editor. The problem is, how do I get the information entered through the editor in my custom SaveAction. If I inherit from SendMail, I can't add the SaveAction to the form. I get in the log:

The constructor parameters may not match or it may be an abstract class.

So I just step back to using ISaveAction, but then I can't access the data from the editor. It seems like I need the IMailSender and IEmailAttributes that SendMail takes, but I can't seem to make that work. How do I access the data from the email editor in a custom SaveAction?

WFFM 8.1

1 Answer 1


You need to provide the dependencies in config. For example, the out of the box Send Email Message save action has the following definition in Sitecore:

Send Email Definition

If you check in Sitecore.WFFM.Dependencies.config you will find a matching definition:

    <!--Save actions constructor configuration-->
      <sendMessage type="Sitecore.WFFM.Actions.SaveActions.SendMessage, Sitecore.WFFM.Actions">
        <param name="settings" ref="/sitecore/wffm/settings" />
        <param name="mailSender" ref="/sitecore/wffm/mailSender" />

If you create a custom save action then create a duplicate of this node and change the type to your own implementation and change the Factory Object Name to point to your new config node.

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