Note: I am using a trial instance of Sitecore 9.0.2.
I create an item:
curl -X POST \
https://mysitecoreurl/sitecore/api/ssc/item/%2Fsitecore%2Fcontent%2FHome%2Ffolder1 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"ItemName": "Home4",
"TemplateID": "76036f5e-cbce-46d1-af0a-4143f9b557aa",
"Title": "Sitecore2",
"Text": "\r\n\t\t<p>Welcome to Sitecore 4</p>\r\n"
It returns seems ok?
Status: 201 Created
Location: Location →https://mysitecoreurl/sitecore/api/ssc/item/b8527e6a-f731-4cb2-a8a0-1f3cd8d7bd4f?Database=master
So I get the GUID of the folder:
curl -X GET \
Which returns:
"ItemID": "fe2e79b2-2b0c-4866-a6b4-70eab694e58b",
"ItemName": "folder1",
"ItemPath": "/sitecore/content/Home/folder1",
"ParentID": "110d559f-dea5-42ea-9c1c-8a5df7e70ef9",
"TemplateID": "a87a00b1-e6db-45ab-8b54-636fec3b5523",
"TemplateName": "Folder",
"CloneSource": null,
"ItemLanguage": "en",
"ItemVersion": "1",
"DisplayName": "folder1",
"HasChildren": "True",
"ItemIcon": "/temp/iconcache/applications/16x16/folder.png",
"ItemMedialUrl": "/temp/iconcache/applications/48x48/folder.png",
"ItemUrl": "~/link.aspx?_id=FE2E79B22B0C4866A6B470EAB694E58B&_z=z"
Now when I try to get the children of the folder:
curl -X GET \
I do not see my new item.
curl -X GET \
The item "b8527e6a-f731-4cb2-a8a0-1f3cd8d7bd4f" was not found.
It may have been deleted by another user.
Am I missing something?
and the guid of that item matches:
What am I missing here?
I have a feeling I'm missing some sort of "Publish" step.