How can I get the referenced item from a droplink field in rendering parameters.

What I tried:

var model = new DFFVideoModel();
LookupField VideoItem = (LookupField)RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.Parameters["Video Item"];
model.VideoItem = VideoItem;
return View(model); 

IntelliSense complains that it can't convert type string to Lookupfield. Any other way to do it?

1 Answer 1


The .Parameters property on the Rendering is just a key value pair and the value is the string containing the raw value for the field type.

public string this[string parameterName]
    return this.Values.ValueOrDefault<string, string>(parameterName);
    Assert.IsNotNull((object) parameterName, nameof (parameterName));
    this.Values[parameterName] = value;

So you would have to take the raw value and parse that to get the Item Id that was set in the field.

For a lookup field, this is just the ID if the item:

var model = new MTFVideoModel();
var videoItemRaw = RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.Parameters["Video Item"];
var videoItem = Context.Database.GetItem(new ID(videoItemRaw));
model.VideoItem = VideoItem;
return View(model); 

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