We're using Angular to handle site's front-end, and I'd like to add some events which happen there, like opening "new" pages based on JavaScript to Path Analyzer.
This is how I tried to do it:
var pageEventData = new PageEventData("Page Visited", new System.Guid("7DAF6F40-87EA-4594-B977-4994E5B439D3"))
ItemId = new System.Guid("92B09B21-3B5B-43E3-939D-A1C62779AED9"),
Data = title,
Text = "page "+ title + " was visited"
(where "7DAF6..." is id of /sitecore/system/Settings/Analytics/Page Events/Page visited event and "92B.. " just a random id of one of the page items I use for testing)
And this seems wrong, even though the event actually gets registered to Mongo's db.Interactions table as a PageEvent of 'Page visited' type, I don't see it in Path Analyzer. Is there actually a way to simulate a new page being visited and get a new node to be added to Sitecore's Path Analyzer?
Here is an example of what gets registered in the db.interactions table: https://gist.github.com/epetrashen/92d2fe0e8b882932e2cf88cebe8868f3