I'm using the built in SXA Tabs control but I wanted to use it with a local data source i.e. a datasource beneath the Data folder of the page containing the Tab control.

Additionally, I'd like to be able to auto-create that datasource when the Tabs control is dropped on a page.

Is this possible with the built in control?

  • I am sure this feature would be available in SXA 1.9
    – Abhay Dhar
    Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 13:34

1 Answer 1


Maybe I'm missing something but you can already create a local data source for Tabs. Just drop Tabs on the page and it will ask you were to create its data source:

enter image description here

And it will create data source item here:

enter image description here

If you would like to have local data source created automatically for your Tabs rendering you can also do it. Find the rendering item and add this setting in the Other properties field:

enter image description here

Once it is done, you won't see the "Select the Associated Content" dialog for Tabs, it will always create a local data source for it.

Important! Keep in mind that all changes to the SXA items will get overridden with SXA update.

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