I have 400 product items. Previously, we have a common thumbnail image for all products. Now, I added a new image field (thumbnail image), all products I need to assign a common specific thumbnail image.

I wrote PowerShell script but it's not working

$thumbnailImage = Get-Item -Path 'master:\sitecore\media library\xyz\pqr\mno\infotumbnail410PD1'

$itemPath= Get-Item -Path 'master:\sitecore\content\sites\abc'


[Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField]$fieldValueLink = $itemPath["Product Image"]
$fieldValueLink= $thumbnailImage 


Please suggest me on the same.


3 Answers 3


In theory you should just be able to do this:

$item = Get-Item -Path "master:\sitecore\content\sites\abc"
$item.Image = Get-Item -Path "master:\sitecore\media library\xyz\pqr\mno\infotumbnail410PD1"

from this page: https://doc.sitecorepowershell.com/working-with-items

But I couldn't figure out how to do that with fields with a space in them. So I did it like so instead but I think this is a bit hacky as I've created the field value with a string.format which is not very nice.

$thumbnailImage = Get-Item -Path 'master:\sitecore\media library\xyz\pqr\mno\infotumbnail410PD1'

$item= Get-Item -Path 'master:\sitecore\content\sites\abc'


$item.Fields["Listing Image"].Value = [string]::Format("<image mediaid='{0}' />",$thumbnailImage.ID)


There must be a better way of doing this though.

  • Thank you @Adam Commented May 24, 2022 at 5:08

When testing your script, I was having an error with the cast of ImageField and also saw that in RAW values, it was adding the value Sitecore.Data.Items.Item. I did a modification of your script and tested it. Please use the below script. You may need to update it to fit your requirements

$thumbnailImage = Get-Item -Path 'master:\sitecore\media library\xyz\pqr\mno\infotumbnail410PD1'

$itemPath= Get-Item -Path 'master:\sitecore\content\sites\abc'


$itemPath."Product Image" = $thumbnailImage


$mid = fetching media item id from media library

  $t='<file mediaid="'+ $mid +'" src=' + '"-/media/'+$mGuid+'.ashx" />';
  $m["ProductListing"]= $t

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