I have a simple powershell script which uses Out-Download command to export the query result to .xlsx file. However, it doesn't seem working. The same scenario as well if I used the download button from Show-ListView window.

Here is the script

Import-Function -Name ConvertTo-Xlsx
[byte[]]$outobject = Get-ChildItem master:\ |
    Select-Object -Property Name, ProviderPath, Language, Varsion |
Out-Download -Name "report-$datetime.xlsx" -InputObject $outobject

As for my initial investigation, I have noticed that one of the request e.g. https://domain.com/-/script/handle/0D81FB63A4524895A114FFF5C2B4299B is being returned 302 response that leads to 404 page.

Versions used: Sitecore 9.3 Sitecore.PowerShell.Extensions-6.0 Sitecore Experience Accelerator

Please let me know if you need more information.

Appreciate your help.

1 Answer 1


I was able to resolve the issue in reference to the posts below. Basically for Powershell Extension version 6, you have to enable a config for Identity Server in CM environment. The path should be \App_Config\Include\Spe\Spe.IdentityServer.config

Out-Download access denied to user anonymous

Issue elevating SPE Console in 9.1 Azure PaaS

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