I'm writing unit tests for a class that uses XConnectClient, which means I need to mock an XConnectClient.

I've tried the following using Moq and RandomTestValues packages:

Mock<XConnectClient> client = new Mock<XConnectClient>(
    new Mock<XConnectClientConfiguration>(
        new Mock<XdbModel>(
            new XdbModelVersion(RandomValue.Int(), RandomValue.Int()),
            new XdbNamedType[0],
            new XdbFacetDefinition[0],
            new XdbModel[0]).Object,
        new Mock<Uri>(RandomValue.Uri().ToString()).Object).Object);

This compiles, but generates a NullReferenceException in XConnectClientConfiguration.ctor at runtime. I don't know what is NULL here, and there's really too much going on in the mocking so it's not easily readable any more.

Is there a way of mocking XConnectClient (preferrably without having to write a wrapper around it)?

1 Answer 1


I was able to run your code by not mocking Uri, but by

                Mock<XConnectClient> client = new Mock<XConnectClient>(
                new Mock<XConnectClientConfiguration>(
                    new Mock<XdbModel>(
                        new XdbModelVersion(1, 0),
                        new XdbNamedType[0],
                        new XdbFacetDefinition[0],
                        new XdbModel[0]).Object,
                    new Uri("https://dummy.xconnect")).Object);

However, if your intention is to verify returned contacts/interactions, then it won't help as those properties cannot be overridden on xConnectClient:

            /* 'Unsupported expression: x => x.Contacts
                Non-overridable members (here: XdbContext.get_Contacts) may not be used in setup / verification expressions.'
            client.Setup(x => x.Contacts).Returns(new List<Contact>
                new Contact(new ContactIdentifier("test", "1", ContactIdentifierType.Anonymous))

A better option to consider would be to mock IXdbContext that XConnectClient implements:

            var client2 = new Mock<IXdbContext>();
            client2.Setup(cn => cn.Contacts).Returns(new List<Contact>
                new Contact(new ContactIdentifier("test", "1", ContactIdentifierType.Anonymous))
            var c = client2.Object.Contacts;
            c.ForEach(contact => 
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", contact.Identifiers.Select(id => id.Source))));
  • Thanks for the IXdbContext suggestion. That looks like exactly the way I need to go :) Commented Nov 13, 2020 at 14:51
  • @GTHvidsten good to hear that you found it helpful :)
    – grg
    Commented Nov 14, 2020 at 9:34

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