Is there an easy way to return all fields, while skipping standard Sitecore fields in GraphQL query results without strongly-typed items? I know that I can use fields(ownFields:true), but it will remove inherited fields from all templates, but I want to skip only standard ones with __ prefix.

I have exclusions of standard field in my configuration, but this removes standard fields only from the schema, but not from query results:

<fieldFilter type="Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.Content.TemplateGeneration.Filters.StandardFieldFilter, Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.Content">
      <exclusions hint="raw:AddFilter">
           <exclude name="__*" />
  • It might help if you can also share your sample GraphQL query to add more context and help with potential answers to your question.
    – Julius A
    Commented Mar 23, 2021 at 17:52
  • I don't have specific query, I'm looking for generic approach to solve this issue, without the need of listing every field in my query via strongly-typed fragment.
    – whuu
    Commented Mar 23, 2021 at 20:04

1 Answer 1


Without a sample query reference to tailor my answer, I think what you could leverage here are query fragments to help with multiple templates.

For example:

fragment itemDetails on Item {

You can then leverage the fragment on your query

query GetPageContent($datasource: String!, $contextItem: String!) {
  datasource(value: $datasource) {
 contextItem(value: $contextItem) {

Ps: Please validate this syntax, just guiding on the approach here

  • what is "someotherfield" in your sample? As mentioned in my question I don't want to list all the fields in my query. I want the query to return all fields from item's template and all inherited templates except standard fields with __ prefix.
    – whuu
    Commented Mar 23, 2021 at 20:12

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