I occasionally see the below error in my logs

Error processing robots.txt
Exception: Glass.Mapper.MapperExceptioMessage: Service has been disposed, cannot create object

My code in Robotservice is as below

        #region Injected
        //DI Implementation
        private readonly IMvcContext _mvcContext;

        public RobotsService(IMvcContext mvcContext)
            _mvcContext = mvcContext; 


        public string GetRobotsForItem()
            var homeItem = _mvcContext.GetHomeItem<ISitecoreItem>();
           return <some text>;

While debugging, I see that the data source is null for _mvcContext and hence Glass is complaining about this. When I searched(blogs, pages, etc) for this error, I see that DI should be implemented and is the solution for this error. But I already have DI Implemented and working in almost all scenarios. Any thoughts or ideas on this?

Thanks in Advance!

1 Answer 1


Yes, you will need to resolve your dependencies explicitly as shown below:

    public string GetRobotsForItem()
        var mvcContext = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IMvcContext >();
        var homeItem = mvcContext.GetHomeItem<ISitecoreItem>();
       return <some text>;

Hope this helps

If you getting same issue, you need to share how you are invoking this service please?

  • Thanks for responding. I changed my code as specified but still get the same error. Commented Feb 1, 2022 at 9:07
  • I think you need to clean up your code and do away with the Interface variable. I will edit my suggested solution
    – Julius A
    Commented Feb 1, 2022 at 12:15

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