I can loop through children like this:

{{ for i_child in i_datasource.children}}

But what if I only want the first 2, or if I want to skip the first 2 and take the next 3? Is this possible in scriban?

1 Answer 1


Yes, there are options to create loops like this in scriban:

The offset parameter

This is the scriban equivalent of .Skip() in .net. It allows you to start the iteration of the loop by skipping the number of entries specified:

{{~ for i_child in i_datasource.children offset:2 ~}}
    // display something
{{~ end ~ }}

The limit parameter

This is the scriban equivalent of .Take() in .net. It limits the number of items iterated through in the loop.

{{~ for i_child in i_datasource.children limit:2 ~}}
    // display something
{{~ end ~ }}

You can also use these together:

{{~ for i_child in i_datasource.children offset: 2 limit:4 ~}}
    // display something
{{~ end ~ }}

Scriban loop language reference: https://github.com/scriban/scriban/blob/master/doc/language.md#95-loops

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