So I am tasked with looking through all of the html content areas in my content tree and look for this string:

"<div id="fpCE_version" style="display:none;">8.5.1</div>"

However the version changes with numbers so this 8.5.1 could be 8.5.7 or 8.4.2, so I need a way of looking for that div and replace it with nothing. Here is what I have for only finding the one version so need help with either regex or any other ideas. Thanks

foreach ($item in $itemsToProcess) {
    $items = Get-ItemField $item
    foreach($field in $items){
     $html = $item.Text
     if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($html)) { continue }
        $newText = $html.Replace('<div id="fpCE_version" style="display:none;">8.5.7</div>', '')
        $item.Text = $newText

2 Answers 2


You can check with where condition on the id of the HTML tag and replace that with an empty string.

if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($html)) { continue }
$divTag = $html.getElementsByTagName('div') | Where { $_.id -eq 'fpCE_version' }
if(-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($divTag)) 
  $newText = $html.Replace($divTag, '')
  $item.Text = $newText

If you want to check with the id:

if($html_.id -eq `fpCE_version`)
  $item.Text = ''

If you want to check with the class name: $html_.className -eq 'your class name'

You can also match with the inner text of the HTML tag:

if ($html.innertext -match "8.") 
  $item.Text = ''
  • I need to keep the remainder of my text that is in these HTML fields. This is just a div at the bottom that I need removed out of the html and leave the other contents alone. Commented Feb 15, 2022 at 23:45
  • Updated the answer, hope it helps. Commented Feb 16, 2022 at 0:01

You can run the following script which uses Regex.

If searches for exact <div id="fpCE_version" style="display:none;"> and removes everything from that div, without checking what's inside (assuming there is no other div inside that div).

$regex = '<div id="fpCE_version" style="display:none;">[^<]*</div>'

$fieldsToCheck = @('Text', 'Text 2')

foreach ($item in $itemsToProcess) {
  foreach($field in $fieldsToCheck){
    $html = $item[$field]

    if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($html)) { 

    if ($html.Contains('fpCE_version')) {
      $item[$field] = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Replace($html, $regex, '')
      $item.Editing.EndEdit() | out-null

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