We have 3 Sitecore CM instances with OnPrem VMs and we have setup 1 of the cms ( e.g. cm3) to be the publishing CM instance as mentioned in https://doc.sitecore.com/xp/en/developers/92/platform-administration-and-architecture/configure-multiple-content-management-instances.html
Now, we have 'Ideal time out' on CM3 Application pool as 20 minutes, hence with load balancer, if no request goes to cm3 or for some reason cm3 is down, then the publishing is stuck (from cm1 and cm2) and we are not sure, if publishing queue is getting cleared once cm3 is up.
One of the ideal solution would be to remove the 'Ideal time out' on cm3. But if cm3 is down for sometime, how to make sure that all the publishing requests are queued and cleared once cm3 is up?
Any advice and suggestions would be helpful.
Sitecore 9.3.0