Sitecore: Sitecore.NET 10.1.1 (rev. 005862) Publishing service: 5.0.0
I am trying to find a way to cancel the ongoing publishing and revert the changes done by the current publishing.
I have the following understanding:
Reverting the changes from the web database can only be done manually. Backup before publishing is not a feasible option.
During publishing Sitecore does the following internally.
-Creates manifests of items to be published.
-Moves items from the Master DB to the selected publishing target databases.
-Triggers re-indexing (re-indexing of published items or the whole site depends upon the number of items published and the value in config) and clears the cache.
I did see the articles:
Guys, is there a way to achieve this? Or can you guide me in which direction I should work?