Here is my scenario:
I have made a few changes to a Sitecore template and I decided those changes are no longer needed. I need to restore it to its previous state(fields have been deleted and new ones added). So I have undone the changes to the YML using the repository(git showed the new changes so I undid them). If I check the YML file on the file system it is correct as it should.
But when I sync or reserialize the changes I did are still there.
I know that re-serializing should take whatever is on the file system and update the content tree according to the file system correct?
What am I missing here? why does reserializing unicorn is not getting rid of the changes I did?
UPDATE 1 - I removed then unnecessary configuration entries. Leaving just the one with the path to the one I'm trying to make it work. BUT I noticed one thing. When I sync I'm not seeing that path on the list of processed items that explains it. But when I reserialize it does process it. any ideas why the sync is not processing but reserializing is?
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<!--Create a patch file on your local to update this setting-->
<sc.variable name="sourceFolder" value="C:\myprojectfolder\serialization" />
<configuration name="My Project" description="My Project" >
<targetDataStore physicalRootPath="$(sourceFolder)\foundation" type="Rainbow.Storage.SerializationFileSystemDataStore, Rainbow" useDataCache="false" singleInstance="true" />
<predicate type="Unicorn.Predicates.SerializationPresetPredicate, Unicorn" singleInstance="true">
<include name="MyProject.Templates.UserDefined" database="master" path="/sitecore/templates/User Defined" />