From what I know is that data cannot be shared between pages by default.
You could however create a custom form processinig feature
<processor type="YOURPROJECT.Feature.FormsProcessing.Pipelines.FormsPipeline.FormProcessorFieldValue, YOURPROJECT.Feature.FormsProcessing" patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.ExperienceForms.Mvc.Pipelines.GetModel.CreateModel, Sitecore.ExperienceForms.Mvc']" resolve="true">
On your second page you can add a hidden field
with a token variable.
With the Form processor you can check the field if it matches you overwrite the token value with the submitted field value.
A small example for reference that could work:
public class FormProcessorFieldValue: MvcPipelineProcessor<GetModelEventArgs> {
public override void Process(GetModelEventArgs args)
// This token replacement is only valid on form fields that inherit from hiddenViewModel
if (!(args.ViewModel is HiddenViewModel hiddenViewModel)) return;
ReplaceTokensIfApplicable(hiddenViewModel, fieldId);
protected virtual void ReplaceTokensIfApplicable(HiddenViewModel hiddenViewModel, ID fieldId)
if (fieldId == new ID("{Field ID from submitted field}"))
// Get the value of the of previous page field
var textField = _formRenderingContext.GetPostedField(fieldId) as ListViewModel;
string selectedOption = textField == null ? string.Empty : textField.Value.FirstOrDefault();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedOption))
//Set token in hidden field with submitted value
if (hiddenViewModel.ItemId.ToLower() == "FIELD ID ON SECOND PAGE OF HIDDEN FIELD".ToLower())
hiddenViewModel.Value = selectedOption;
Then you should be able to use conditions on you page based on the hidden field.
Hope it helps you in some way.