In XM Cloud, I created a site, and on my local instance, I ran the npm run start:connected command. When I accessed localhost:3000 in the browser, it worked successfully.

I have now created a new site in XM Cloud and deleted the previous one. I updated the SITECORE_SITE_NAME in the .env.local file with the new site name. However, when I run localhost:3000, it shows a Page not found error.

Could you please help me figure out if I'm missing something?

enter image description here

  • Try to restart the localhost app by using ctrl c and press y in the terminal window, and then try to use npm run start:connected I hope it might be an issue with .env.local updates not being reflected, I tried the same and it works for me fine
    – Nelson
    Commented Dec 6 at 13:40

1 Answer 1


Try to restart the localhost app by using ctrl c and press y in the terminal window, and then try to use npm run start:connected I hope it might be an issue with .env.local updates not being reflected, I tried the same and it works for me fine

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