I'm using Sitecore Powershell Extensions to unlock items that have been locked for an extended period of time. The script is stored in the script library:
$item = Get-Item -Path master:\content\
$daysToAllowLock = 5
$allowedLockDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($daysToAllowLock * -1)
$itemsToUnlock = Get-ChildItem -Path $item.ProviderPath -Recurse -Version * -Language * | Where-Object { $_.__Lock -and (-not ($_.__Lock -match "<r />")) -and ($allowedLockDate -gt ([Sitecore.Data.Fields.LockField]($_.Fields["__Lock"])).Date)}
Write-Log "Unlocking items locked before $allowedLockDate"
foreach($item in $itemsToUnlock){
$language = $item.Language
$path = $item.ItemPath
$lockedDate = ([Sitecore.Data.Fields.LockField]($item.Fields["__Lock"])).Date
Write-Log "Unlocking item $path [$language]. Locked by $lockedBy on $lockedDate"
Unlock-Item -Item $item
When I execute the from Powershell ISE it runs fine and unlocks the items I expect it to unlock. I have it writing log messages to indicate which items are unlocked. For my purposes, I created a scheduled task to execute the script once per day to do the check/unlock. However, when the script executes via the scheduled task it does NOT unlock the items.
When I check the logs there are no errors related to the task and it logs messages identically as though it is unlocking the items.
ManagedPoolThread #4 11:01:19 INFO Starting: Unlock items locked for longer than 5 days ManagedPoolThread #4 11:01:19 INFO Executing a Sitecore PowerShell Extensions script. ManagedPoolThread #4 11:02:14 INFO Unlocking items locked before 02/03/2017 11:01:19 ManagedPoolThread #4 11:02:14 INFO Unlocking item /sitecore/content/Home/TestCategory/Old Item [en]. Locked by sitecore\Admin on 01/08/2017 15:48:51 ManagedPoolThread #4 11:02:14 INFO Ended: Unlock items locked for longer than 5 days
When I look at the item mentioned in the logs, I can see that it is still locked even though the script was executed successfully.
I'm not sure why this would happen. My guess is that when the scheduled task executes automatically then perhaps there is some type of permissions issue that is causing the unlock to fail silently. This would add up since executing the script from the admin user context works fine. But that is just guess-work.
Any suggestions to resolve this issue?