I try to setup Sitecore commerce 8.2.1 using the steps in the documentation by sitecore (http://commercesdn.sitecore.net/SitecoreCommerce/DevOpsGuide/en-us/index.html).
If the Commerce Authoring Service, wants to connect to Sitecore, a connection is always set up via SSL.
Connection, observed with fiddler
The Connector use always SSL
The Connector (Sitecore.Commerce.Plugin.Management.SitecoreConnectionManager) use static https.
public static HttpResponseMessage ProcessRequest(SitecoreConnectionPolicy connectionPolicy, string action, string method, ItemModel itemModel)
Uri baseAddress = new Uri(string.Format("https://{0}", connectionPolicy.Host));
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient{BaseAddress = baseAddress})
So, the Commerce Authoring Service, will only work, if Sitecore runs with SSL.
For PROD environments, this is this fine. But, for DEV environment, we would like run Sitecore without SSL.
Is it possible to change this connector from https to http?