I am trying to output an image in the following code. But, I am not sure of the syntax in the View. I can type @item.ImageLarge and some intellisense pops up, but it is not clear how to get the image to display.


@foreach (var item in Model.RotatorContentItems)


public ActionResult Index()
    var dataSourceId = RenderingContext.CurrentOrNull.Rendering.DataSource;
    var dataSource = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(dataSourceId);
    var myViewModel = new MyViewModel();
    myViewModel.RotatorContentItems = dataSource.Children.Select(c => new RotatorContentItem(c)).ToList();
    return View(myViewModel);


public class MyViewModel
    public List<RotatorContentItem> RotatorContentItems { get; set; }

Custom Item:

public partial class RotatorContentItem : CustomItem

public static readonly string TemplateId = "{E493DF4A-E97E-49B5-BF9F-F70397EA8D21}";

#region Boilerplate CustomItem Code

public RotatorContentItem(Item innerItem) : base(innerItem)


public static implicit operator RotatorContentItem(Item innerItem)
    return innerItem != null ? new RotatorContentItem(innerItem) : null;

public static implicit operator Item(RotatorContentItem customItem)
    return customItem != null ? customItem.InnerItem : null;

#endregion //Boilerplate CustomItem Code

#region Field Instance Methods

public CustomTextField Title
        return new CustomTextField(InnerItem, InnerItem.Fields["Title"]);

public CustomTextField SubTitle
        return new CustomTextField(InnerItem, InnerItem.Fields["Sub Title"]);

public CustomImageField ImageLarge
        return new CustomImageField(InnerItem, InnerItem.Fields["Image Large"]);

public CustomImageField ImageSmall
        return new CustomImageField(InnerItem, InnerItem.Fields["Image Small"]);

public CustomGeneralLinkField Link
        return new CustomGeneralLinkField(InnerItem, InnerItem.Fields["Link"]);

public CustomCheckboxField IsOverlayBlack
        return new CustomCheckboxField(InnerItem, InnerItem.Fields["Is Overlay Black"]);

#endregion //Field Instance Methods

2 Answers 2


There are a couple ways you can do this. In the Custom Item Generator, each field has a .Rendered property you can reference which just runs the field renderer on that field. Use this if you want to run the Sitecore rendering pipeline for that field. https://github.com/Velir/Custom-Item-Generator/blob/master/Fields/BaseCustomField.cs

So for your example,

@foreach (var item in Model.RotatorContentItems)

Using this approach will make the image editable in Experience Editor.

Alternately, you could just reference the url of the image and do this.

@foreach (var item in Model.RotatorContentItems)
    <img src="@item.ImageLarge.MediaUrl" />


  • The .Rendered is outputting text onto the page.
    – ADH
    Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 17:07
  • 1
    – ADH
    Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 17:08
  • Yep that's right, I'll edit the answer. Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 17:09

The CustomImageField properties (ImageLarge and ImageSmall) have a MediaUrl property that you can drop into the src attribute of an <img /> tag.


@foreach (var item in Model.RotatorContentItems)
    <img src="@item.ImageLarge.MediaUrl" />
  • 1
    I upvoted this because they are outputting a list of objects and likely don't need Editor support on the image field for this particular rendering. Caveat Emptor, If you render the <img /> tag yourself, you'll have to have an alternate path to render the field when Experience Editor is active. Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 19:17
  • That's an excellent point. Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 19:20

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