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Questions tagged [jss-forms]

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Sitecore react jss form POST call expose sc_apikey on url

Does someone know why Sitecore expose your API_KEY with jss forms. Create a simple form, open chrome dev tools (network tab) and click submit. You will see something like this: http://localhost:3000/...
jgatjens's user avatar
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Sitecore Forms with NextJs and Hybrid SSG + SSR rendering

I am new to Sitecore JSS and am trying to the implement Sitecore Forms using the hybrid rendering approach [SSR+SSG] in a Sitecore 10.2 with NextJs app. Some selected paths would be SSR rendered and ...
Debasis Mishra's user avatar
4 votes
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Issue on Submit Action for Sitecore Forms in NextJS app

I'm trying to implement Sitecore Forms with the NextJS app using this official document
Ashish Chavan's user avatar
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Sitecore Forms with JSS, Custom Fields Submit Payload is not showing value

We have created a custom field for Sitecore Forms using JSS react. In the JSS file, we are using CustomFormFactory to render the input on the front-end side - const myCustomFormFactory = ...
Mahendra Shekhawat's user avatar