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rel="noopener noreferrer" get automatically added on other content when we add new link with target equals to blank in RTE

Sitecore 8.2 update 4

We've been editing some pages, and noticing that rel="noopener noreferrer" get's added into text. I understand it's good to have it added to _blank links. But it's being auto-added in text blocks as well when editing.

Ex- I open an RTE field and add new link using "HyperLink Manager" and choose target as a blank. Now save the item and again open RTE field what it did that it added a rel="noopener noreferrer" on link as well as on above text that is in RTE. enter image description here

I found a property in Sitecore.config called "ProtectExternalLinksWithBlankTarget" by disabling this "noopener noreferrer" feature is disbled but is there any other way to use this feature correctly.