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I have added Sitecore sxa image gallerythe Sitecore sxa image gallery.My My requirement is to hide the pop uphide the pop up which comes in the mobile view on double tap-tap of image. I have tried with event.prevendefault ,.stop(),event.stoppropagationevent.preventdefault ,.stop(),event.stoppropagation etc on galleria-images class in Jquery inside settimeoutset timeout method.However no suceesssuccess.When i When I add an alert in Jquery the pop up is not coming anymore.But But I need to achieve this without any alert.Is Is there ana way in cssCSS/Jquery/disabling the animation?

I have added Sitecore sxa image gallery.My requirement is to hide the pop up which comes in mobile view on double tap of image. I have tried with event.prevendefault ,.stop(),event.stoppropagation etc on galleria-images class in Jquery inside settimeout method.However no suceess.When i add an alert in Jquery the pop up is not coming anymore.But I need to achieve this without any alert.Is there an way in css/Jquery

I have added the Sitecore sxa image gallery. My requirement is to hide the pop up which comes in the mobile view on double-tap of image. I have tried with event.preventdefault ,.stop(),event.stoppropagation etc on galleria-images class in Jquery inside set timeout method.However no success. When I add an alert in Jquery the pop up is not coming anymore. But I need to achieve this without any alert. Is there a way in CSS/Jquery/disabling the animation?

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How to disable the animation of SXA image gallery in mobile

I have added Sitecore sxa image gallery.My requirement is to hide the pop up which comes in mobile view on double tap of image. I have tried with event.prevendefault ,.stop(),event.stoppropagation etc on galleria-images class in Jquery inside settimeout method.However no suceess.When i add an alert in Jquery the pop up is not coming anymore.But I need to achieve this without any alert.Is there an way in css/Jquery