I am using Solr version 8.8.1 in a docker containerSolr version 8.8.1 in a docker container. I use an address query system based on a csvCSV file. I want to get a city in relation to the street name. The fields in my managed-schema are looking like this:
The result of a normal query (without a suggester) looks like this:
The following query brings correctly one result: http://localhost:8983/solr/addrescore/suggest?suggest=true&suggest.dictionary=sugCitySuggester&suggest.q=Test&suggest.cfq=Teststreet
But the following returns no results: http://localhost:8983/solr/addrescore/suggest?suggest=true&suggest.dictionary=sugCitySuggester&suggest.q=Test&suggest.cfq=Am%20Bahndamm
There seems to be a problem with spaces in the context query. Has someone had an idea?