I am using Unicorn v3 and have warnings on a number of items (field no longer exist) but have items without warnings in the same sync/project as well.
ERROR: Non-fatal warnings occurred during loading. (11 inner failures)
The field a42b18d0-f5dd-4e5d-81a0-84a98647905d (likely Formatted value) is not present in Sitecore on the Price Catalog Field template.
... 10 more warnings of the same type
at Unicorn.Loader.DeserializeFailureRetryer.RetryAll(ISourceDataStore sourceDataStore, Action`1 retrySingleItemAction, Action`1 retryTreeAction)
at Unicorn.Loader.SerializationLoader.LoadAll(IItemData[] rootItemsData, IDeserializeFailureRetryer retryer, IConsistencyChecker consistencyChecker, Action`1 rootLoadedCallback)
at Unicorn.SerializationHelper.SyncTree(IConfiguration configuration, Action`1 rootLoadedCallback, IItemData[] roots)
at Unicorn.ControlPanel.Pipelines.UnicornControlPanelRequest.SyncVerb.Process(IProgressStatus progress, ILogger additionalLogger)
Unicorn completes but does not seem to update the other items that do not have warnings.
Is this expected behavior or configuration?