I recently updated Sitecore CLI version 4.2.1 to 5.2.113.

I ran dotnet sitecore ser validate --fix and I noticed many of these log entries:

[/sitecore/templates/Branches/Project/ACME CO] INCORRECT FILE PATH: ~/Pages/General Content Page/$name, 
[/sitecore/templates/Branches/Project/ACME CO] found:    ~\ACME CO\Pages\General Content Page\_name.yml,      
[/sitecore/templates/Branches/Project/ACME CO] expected: ~\ACME CO\Pages\General Content Page\#name.yml
[/sitecore/templates/Branches/Project/ACME] [M] ~\ACME CO\Pages\General Content Page\_name.yml -> ~\ACME CO\Pages\General Content Page\#name.yml

scs changes in console

Notice how the branch template $name item's file path changed from _name.yml to #name.yml.

Why was this change made?

None of the release notes mention it:

1 Answer 1


This conversion from Dollar('$') to ('#') is occuring from the below code snippet inside Sitecore.DevEx.Serialization.Client.dll, which converts all the invalid file characters to '#' symbol.

enter image description here

I believe the changes were made to address and convert all the invalid characters to '#' using above code snippet.

Inside version 4.2.1 of Sitecore.DevEx.Serialization.Client dll, invalid file characters were replaced with underscore('_') symbol.

enter image description here

Below is the list of characters that are considered to be avoided in filenames.


Hope this helps!!!

  • Thank you for investigating. What is perplexing is that _ is objectively safer for file names than #. Even the article you shared does not recommend using #. Commented Mar 19 at 16:34
  • 1
    ya I just checked version 4.2.1 Sitecore.DevEx.Serialization.Client dll...in that invalid file characters are replaced with underscore('-') character. Hence you are getting this warning now with the upgraded version i.e. above 5.
    – ckhanna
    Commented Mar 19 at 17:41

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