If you really need to dynamically change value of Full Name
field, you can create your own ItemSave handler which will change this field for particular item templates.
You can use something similar:
public class CustomItemSaveEventHandler
//master database name
public static readonly string Master = "master";
//sample template id
public static readonly string TemplateIdItem = "{your_template_id_goes_here}";
public void OnItemSaved(object sender, EventArgs args)
Item item = Event.ExtractParameter(args, 0) as Item;
if (item != null && item.Database.Name.ToLower() == Master)
if (item.TemplateID.ToString() == TemplateIdItem )
item.Fields["Full Name"] = item.Fields["First Name"] + " " + item.Fields["Last Name"];
Add some logic when First or Last names are missing and so on.
Don't forget to create a patch file :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
<event name="item:saved">
<handler type="MyAssembly.MyNamespace.CustomItemSaveEventHandler, MyAssembly" method="OnItemSaved">