Is there any complex field type available in Sitecore with Name value + dropdown list?

some thing like : Key + value + Dropdownlist

enter image description here

  • Can you please provide more information on what you want to achieve? Commented Jul 30, 2019 at 6:07

4 Answers 4


No, there is not.

Neil Shack assembled a list of all available field types. While it is not 100% up to date, it is current enough to use as a reference.


Yes, You can use Name Lookup Value List, This field type is an extended version of Name Value List type having many of the similar features. The only difference here is – Name Lookup Value List uses a Dropdown list to choose the value against a key. The editor is still required to type the key name, the dropdown is only for Value field. enter image description here

Update - Okay so the original question is updated, so answer for this is NO , There is no any OOTB field avaible for this but you can do this by two ways first creating a custom field type second use the Name Lookup Value List but with a twist, by adding both name and value in the first textbox of the field with _(underscore) as identifier for name and value - Name_Value Although this will require some knowledge transfer to the content editor that how they can use this field. In code, you can simply split the name value with _ (underscore). enter image description here


You may use the "Name Value List" or "Name Lookup Value List" field type. Probably this will serve your purpose of Name+Value for dropdown. To check more out-of-box field types, please see Sitecore Field Types. If out-of-box field types will not be used in your scenario you may add your own field types following this link Create Sitecore Custom Field Type

  • I am looking for any OOB complex type.
    – Hussain
    Commented Jul 30, 2019 at 6:56
  • OOTB field is not available. you can write your own custom field type as per need.
    – Akif Irfan
    Commented Jul 30, 2019 at 10:05

You can use Express Subitem from Sitecore Marketplace that allows you to add multiple 'complex' fields within the context of a current item.

enter image description here

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