I want to create an interactive dialog using PowerShell script.

I have multiple sites under the same Tenant if I select any site node in field 1, then field 2 root node should be changed to that site's Data folder. Then the user can select any item under the Data folder.


Tenant A

  • SiteA
    • SiteA/Data/Form Folder
  • SiteB
    • SiteB/Data/Form Folder

If user select SiteA in the Field 1, then Field 2 should show SiteA/Data/Form Folder as its starting node.


$dialog = Read-Variable -Parameters `
    @{ Name = "language"; Title = "Select Language"; Source="DataSource=/sitecore/system/languages"; Editor="droplist"},
    @{ Name = "siteNode"; Title = "Select Site"; Source="DataSource=/sitecore/content/Sitecore902&DatabaseName=master&IncludeTemplatesForDisplay=Site"; editor="droplist"} `
    -Description "This module is used to import Data." `
    -Width 400 -Height 200 `
    -Title "Import Utility" `
    -OkButtonName "Select" `
    -CancelButtonName "Cancel"

if ($dialog -ne "ok") 

$dialog1 = Read-Variable -Parameters `
    @{ Name = "itemPath"; Title = "Select Location"; Root=$siteNode.Paths.FullPath + "/Data/POIs"; Editor="item"} `
    -Description "This module is used to import Data." `
    -Width 400 -Height 200 `
    -Title "Import Utility" `
    -OkButtonName "Import" `
    -CancelButtonName "Cancel"

if ($dialog1 -ne "ok") 

In here, I am using two Read-Variable. As you can see the value of siteNode is being used in itemPath. I want all the selections in one dialog box, and the functionality should remain the same. Right now, if I add itemPath to the $dialog, it is not working as expected.

Thanks for the help.

  • 1
    Have you checked out the examples under the Getting Started module? There is an example "Kitchen Sink" script that shows how to work with Read-Variable. Commented Jun 6, 2019 at 14:19
  • Yes, I checked that example, I also created a workaround, but I need all the fields in the same dialog box. Please have a look at the edit I made to the question.
    – PSS
    Commented Jun 7, 2019 at 8:32
  • If I understand correctly, you want to set the second field from the value selected in the first, within a single dialogue. I'm not aware of any way to do this, or even of any events that you could use within a dialogue to build the functionality yourself. Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 11:51
  • @JamesWalford yes initially I was looking for the same functionality as you stated. But I couldn't able to find anything on that. So, I opted to go with 2 dialog boxes as you can see in the Edit part of the question. Thanks.
    – PSS
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 11:56

1 Answer 1


You have issues with syntax in your second dialogue, essentially you weren't concatenating the string like you thought you were. This should work.

$dialog1 = Read-Variable -Parameters `
    @{ Name = "itemPath"; Title = "Select Location"; Root="$($siteNode.Paths.FullPath)/Data/POIs"; Editor="item"} `
    -Description "This module is used to import Data." `
    -Width 400 -Height 200 `
    -Title "Import Utility" `
    -OkButtonName "Import" `
    -CancelButtonName "Cancel"

Let's build up what's happening here in stages:

Root is expecting a string, so we start with Root="" You want to embed a variable in this string, so you add your $sitenode


But PowerShell is then interpreting the object properties as a literal string. It calls object.ToString() on the $siteNode variable itself. The actual content of the string Root is now: "Sitecore.Data.Items.Item.Paths.FullPath"

So you need to wrap anything you need evaluated (properties, methods) in $()


Now the $siteNode properties/methods are evaluated instead of being embedded into the string as string literals - the Root string is the full path of your siteNode item.

But you want to specify a specific path beneath the siteNode path, so you add your relative path directly to the string:


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