We are trying to install SOLR in a standalone server for a production environment. A client has already installed an SSL server certificate on the Server. I can see it in

MMC->Certificates->Personal && MMC->Certificates->Trusted Root Certificates.

Not sure how to assign this to SOLR?

I have previously created self-signed SSL for SOLR in development machine and assigned to localhost successfully by adding below parameters to solr.in.cmd

set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks
set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=etc/solr-ssl.keystore.jks

But not sure how to generate jks file and password for already installed CA certificate, could someone have done this before?

1 Answer 1


According to this StackOverflow article, it should be possible using the same steps, but skipping the generation parts.

The Java truststore and keystore files are the same regardless if its self-signed or CA-signed certificates.

Using the instructions from your CA, import the appropriate certificates to the truststore and keystore that Solr will use, and then configure your Solr to point to your new truststore/keystore files (and required passwords to access the certificates).

In other words, follow the instructions you linked, just skip the first step (Generate a self-signed certificate and a key), the rest of the instructions are still valid, even with your CA-signed certificates.

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