Is there a recommended approach to creating a Search Results in SXA that have different renderings for different content types? The use case would be something like this:
There are 3 content types,
- Page - default from SXA with Title and Content fields
- News - inherits from Page, adds Published Date datetime field
- Author - inherits from Page, adds Profile Picture image field
There is a single site wide search page, the result set could contain all the above item types. Using Rendering Variants, all the fields, from all the templates can be listed under a new variant, however this adds some constraints to how you can order all of the fields, as well as becoming confusing if when trying to figure out which field is for which template.
I have built similar functionality outside of the SXA context which usually ends up having some sort of TemplateID/TemplateName to Controller/View/Model mapping, either in Sitecore or Config files.
In this case, I'd like the results page to use as much of the out-of-the-box SXA search components as possible.