Environment details: Sitecore 9.0.2 with Solr and GlassMapper
I am using the method:
public IEnumerable<TModel> GetAll<TModel>(string query, string language) where TModel : class
return _service.GetItems<TModel>(new GetItemsByQueryOptions() { Query = Query.New(query), Language = LanguageManager.GetLanguage(language) });
The method calls:
IEnumerable<T> GetItems<T>(GetItemsOptions options) where T : class;
of ISitecoreService
of GlassMapper.
Then I check the response for null
and get that it is not null.
Query I am using:
/sitecore/content/Global Repository/Regions//*[@@templateid='{28103498-4995-4000-a0db-1d3c2a757c79}' and @@ServiceName=31597]
ServiceName is the name of the field I am looking for value 31597.
Further when I try to get the Count()
or Any()
on the search result, I never get the response back.