How Can I get workflow and workflow history for current Item using Sitecore API Item Service?

Get item details using below query

Query to get Item


Json Result

          "ItemID": "25a40733-babf-4f16-a025-a3ffb0c84c05",
          "ItemName": "itemName",
          "ItemPath": "/sitecore/content/Home",
          "ParentID": "59b7047e-1063-4f2e-a452-4ca466ecb621",
          "TemplateID": "3191fecf-905e-4ca1-a007-05ba9f5b7455",
          "TemplateName": "templatename",
          "CloneSource": null,
          "ItemLanguage": "en",
          "ItemVersion": "1",
          "DisplayName": "testuser",
          "HasChildren": "True",

in the above result don't have the workflow details.

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers 2


You would need to double check but I think you have 2 options here:

  1. Set includeStandardTemplateFields parameter to true (includeStandardTemplateFields=true):

In this case you should get all the fields of the item.

  1. Set fields parameter to the "," separated fields you want to receive from api (fields=__Workflow,__Workflow%20state,__Display_name):

In this case you will only get the fields from the parameter.

In both scenarios you will not get the full workflow history anyway. I don't think that's possible with Sitecore API Item Service.

I haven't tested it locally but it should do the trick

  • thanks, Marek I will try. Commented Feb 27, 2020 at 11:17
  • Marek,Yes, I got only workflow state id, workflow id, current workflow state id.I need workflow history Commented Feb 27, 2020 at 12:06
  • As I wrote in my answer: "In both scenarios you will not get the full workflow history anyway. I don't think that's possible with Sitecore API Item Service."
    – Marek Musielak
    Commented Feb 27, 2020 at 12:07

It does not return Workflow history, but you can check the current workflow state information. Inclde below querystring to get all possible values from the ItemService API:

includeStandardTemplateFields=true (default value is false)


For more detail, you can check the below Sitecore blog/article


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